Mission Dolores Park, San Francisco

About Me

Dolores Park is one of my favorite places in the world. Born and raised in the Bay Area, I grew up taking day and overnight trips to San Francisco. I loved the liveliness of the city. Everywhere I looked something grabbed my attention - a view, a busy restaurant, a group of giggling friends, a park, a loud bar, a packed Muni car. San Francisco holds so many deserving stories to tell and I dream of sharing each one. 

As a journalist, mindfulness and empathy are my gifts. I love how layered journalism is. It's filled with humanity, curiosity, humility, emotion, and connection. I love knowledge and meeting new people. I love learning about their lives. I love telling stories, especially from communities that go overlooked or unnoticed. I love building relationships with my sources. I enjoyed the process of talking to residents in Shaniko and learning about former postmaster Geri Canzler's time in Bridal Veil more than sitting down to write the story itself. It's not a bad piece and I'm not mad at how it turned out, writing it just wasn't the extraordinary part.